We provide a variety of classes including Zumba. Mat Pilates, Barre, HIIT, Tai Chi and Strength Building classes for your group or gym.
We also teach exercise/movement activities at a variety of special population sites including Adult Day Care Centers, Rehabilitation/Nursing Homes, Senior Citizen facilities and Traumatic Brain Injury centers. Classes are customized for each audience to provide movement and pattern recall focus. Students truly enjoy the experience.
Get your cardio, strengthen arms legs and core and dance with me! Exercise is a powerful immunity booster and you owe it to yourself to take care of you.
A class for all levels, Pilates strengthens your core and is a key component to quality of life.
And it's another dance day. We're taking it to the club again to get our dance on. Have fun while getting a workout!
Who remembers step class?! Here's a Fun Step and Upper Body Exercise Video to Upbeat Gospel Music. There are just a few left on Amazon so get yours today!
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Contact - info@benniegirl.com